Something different. Something personal. A sensitive subject that I captured through my lens during my photography school year, and then published in a photo book.
As a child, I was always a good sleeper, it was not difficult for me to fall asleep. I was able to sleep through the nights, not even the biggest storm was able to shake me from my sleep. I remember feeling sorry for my mother many times, because hardly a day went by that she didn't wake up at least once in the middle of the night. I considered myself lucky that I was not affected by the problem - until the beginning of 2020, when I usually woke up, not even once, and this had an impact on my everyday life; I became more tired, I could concentrate less, and it was more difficult for me to manage stress. I told a few friends about my sleep disorder and they tried to support me, but somehow I never felt like they could be identified with me and the burden I was carrying. That's why I thought I'd grab a camera and show those around me how I feel, what I experience, what emotions are swirling inside me when I fight with the monster called insomnia every day.

The pictures of my exam series are meant to represent this dark, lonely, somewhat disheartened part of my life, the mood of the photos is mainly reflected in the black and white style and graininess. A significant part of the photographs were taken at night, in night vision mode, under extremely low lighting, with high ISO, while I edited the color shots exposed during the day using the black&white profile and the grain effect.
Kovács Rita
|hagyj aludni|
Kicsi szorítás. Félelem?
Mi ez a zaj? Mi ez a kaparás?
Ja, te vagy már megint a sarokból.
Ezért nem megy az elalvás.
Hátat fordítok, elnézek, letakarlak.
De a tudat, a tudat az sajnos bennem van.
Megnevezni, leírni nem tudlak.
Te érzések szövevényes fantomja.
Ki érti ezt?
Vajon más is érzi?
Mást is zaklatsz a sarokból?!
Mert ha igen, kérlek ne tedd.
Tudod az alvás az egy elég fontos tett…
Éjszaka nagyon bátor vagy,
egészen közel merészkedsz.
Pedig örülnék, ha tudnád,
hogy mi  a megengedett.
Mellém fekszel engedély nélkül
és meséled a történetem.
Vagy csak kérdezel.
Hát nem érted, hogy ezt nem éjszaka kell?
Majd válaszolok, de addig hiába keresel.
Hagyj inkább aludni, és ne feleselj!
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